首页 > 武术节起源 > 香港國際武術節簡介




春去春來,至今十六個年頭已經過去,香港國際武術節成為世界最有影響力的武術同仁期待的一年一度的盛會和節日,成為當代武術賽會及武術活動推廣的風向標。香港國際武術節在進行武術比賽和武術文化交流的同時,每年都舉辦了“子良杯”優秀教練員、傑出運動員二十萬元現金大獎演講評比及武術書畫藝術品大賽和武術名人書畫筆會、少年散打王爭霸賽、中國武術海外段位考評 、武打明星見面會 、名人名家表演等武術活動,為中華武術走向世界起到了強有力的推動作用,譜寫了中華武術的新華章。



2020年是香港國際武術節第18屆賽事,本屆的口號是“弘揚國粹,傳承創新”。近年來,中國政府不斷鼓勵科技創新、經濟創新,國家的領導人對創新思維高度重視,指出,創新是民族進步的靈魂,是國家興旺發達的動力,要勇於創新、善於創新、敢於創新。 因此,2020年第十八屆香港國際武術節我們冠名為“創新杯”。對抗類青少年散打、跆拳道、長兵拼刺比賽的項目,舉行單次比賽制度嘗試,同級別同組別只打一場,贏的金牌,輸的銀牌,目的是從小培養出更多敢打敢拼,打練結合的運動員。3米大槍採用單敗淘汰制,並設萬元獎金。只有不斷創新中才會使中國武術煥發新的活力,也是香港國際武術節存在的意義。

In the last session we held long weapon spear event, hoping that through continuous efforts and improvements to allow new Chinese traditional sports events to enter the big family in the world sports circle. Confrontation class of teenager mixed martial arts and long weapon spear competition event are to be held attempt of single competition system; only one competition will be held at the same level and group, and the winner gains gold medal and the loser gains silver medal.


In order to upgrade the competition quality of the Wushu Championship, the committee is going to upgrade the quality and scale down next year. Only one team of each country will be accepted by the confrontation event, we will make memorial medal for delegation of each country, and the officer of Organization Committee will award at the site with each winning athlete of confrontation event.


In this session, we are going to continue to hold HK$200,000 cash award of speech evaluationfor outstanding coaches and splendid athletes in Hong Kong Wushu International Championship. Speech is the core of leadership, we hope that we can cultivate more outstanding wushu talents of leadership through this activity; in this session, we will hold Long Weapon Spear Invitational Tournament, Wushu Calligraphy and Painting Art Pieces Competition and Wushu Star Meeting. A team of less than 12 and more than 6 is added to be awarded the excellent team award, and Wushu Routine Mixed Martial Arts All-round Champion Award, and award individual with champion tricolor banner...Foreign teams come to Hong Kong to participate Wushu Competition without regarding a thousand miles as very distant, so this year the Organization Committee will specially give clothes of US$50 as a gift for each person who registers by Jan. 20, 2020.


We sincerely invite the worldwide wushu friends to gather together in Xiangjiang! You are welcome to participate in the 18th Hong Kong Wushu International Championship “Innovation Cup”


The 18th Hong Kong Wushu International Championship ·Activities Arrangements


Organization Committee will arrange airport pick up or apply for taxi fare to the hotel.